Prague metro

Getting around Prague

Public Transit in Prague

Public transit in Prague is great! The subway (locally called the Metro) is easy to navigate, and anywhere you can’t get by metro, you can get to by tram or bus. Google maps supports public transit in Prague, so you don’t even have to worry about figuring out which tram to take. If you want to get into the hairy details of figuring out your own schedule, you can download the public transit app.

Public transit is also cheap. Cheap enough that if you’re planning on staying more than a week, you should almost certainly get a monthly pass. Passes up to 72 hours can be purchased at machines at every metro station. If you want a monthly pass, let us know, and we’ll arrange one for you and have it waiting at your hotel.

24-hour pass = 110 CZK (approx. $5 USD)
72-hour pass = 310 CZK (approx. $14 USD)
30 day pass = 550 CZK (approx. $25 USD)

Ride Sharing

Uber works. It’s great. If you hate Uber, there’s a local ride-sharing company called LiftAGo. If you hate ride-sharing and want to take a taxi, you can — but stay away from anything other than AAA, 111, and Modry Andel. Others are almost certain to try and gouge you. Even those three may try and gouge you if you’re drunk on Wenceslas Square at the end of the night. Or, if you want better luck with a taxi and a more modern method of hailing one, go search for “NEJLEVNEJSI TAXI PRAHA” on your app store of choice.


Even if you’re renting a car to adventure beyond Prague, you probably shouldn’t plan on driving in the city. First, although there used to be many free parking places, they’ve disappeared over the last few years, and now the entire city is paid parking. Additionally, if you’re planning on having any adult fun, there is a zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving. You can’t even have one beer within an hour of driving without risking serious problems. This works because a) Czechs like to drink, and b) public transit is great. You’ve been warned. Don’t do it.

Airport Transportation in Prague

It’s possible Torry can help with private transportation as well. I never needed it so I don’t know for sure. However, I would be happy to make arrangements for you using Sasi Trans. This is a little pricey but guaranteed excellent service. We pay 1200 CZK one-way to get to or from the airport in a minivan. The driver meets you inside the terminal. As soon as you clear customs, you would look for a sign with your name on it (like we see in the movies). The driver verbally confirms your name and destination, then he takes your luggage to the car. Sasi doesn’t have a website, only an email and phone number. So far all the driver’s I’ve encountered speak English, so you wouldn’t have to worry about that. The cost may vary depending on distance from the airport. Let us know if you want us to arrange this for you.


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